Time to


Transformational Mastermind For High-Achieving Women
Leaders & Lawyers

Time to


Transformational Mastermind For High-Achieving Women
Leaders & Lawyers

To the high-achieving woman who's accomplished more than she once dreamed possible: You're not as happy you as you think you should be, are you?

You're asking yourself:

  • Why does it feel like I'm constantly racing against time, with less control over my schedule than ever before?

  • How can I carve out genuine 'me-time' when my mental to-do list never seems to end?

  • I've achieved so much professionally and I'm grateful for all I have, so why do I still feel an emptiness inside?

  • I'm starting to feel like my job doesn't quite fit anymore, but what can I really do about that? What if I don't know what I really want?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you landed in the right place.

Time feels like it's slipping away. As your career has soared and you've embraced motherhood, the demands have multiplied. Work isn't just a job anymore - it's your reputation, your means of providing. But it doesn't stay neatly confined to office hours.

That to-do list just won't stop. Me-time gets put on the back burner. Instead, you're battling guilt for not doing enough and beating yourself up for the stuff you didn't get to. And you might be scared that if you take a breather, people might think you can't hack it.

You know that whole "put your own oxygen mask on first" thing? Yeah, easier said than done. Applying it to your own life seems out of reach. The hustle that got you here? It's part of what brought you so much professional success (honor that!), but that same hustle and wanting to do and be it all....is making LIFE feel like a lot right now.

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you landed in the right place.

I see you. Time feels like it's slipping away. As your career has soared and you've embraced motherhood, the demands have multiplied. Work isn't just a job anymore - it's your reputation, your means of providing. But it doesn't stay neatly confined to office hours, does it?

At home, that to-do list just won't stop. Me-time gets put on the back burner. Instead, you're battling guilt for not doing enough and beating yourself up for the stuff you didn't get to. And let's be real, you're scared that if you take a breather, people might think you can't hack it.

You know that whole "put your own oxygen mask on first" thing? Yeah, easier said than done. Applying it to your own life seems out of reach. The hustle that got you here? It's starting to feel like it’s A LOT. So now you're rethinking... well, everything.

But here's the truth - you're not alone in this. You're not an alien (I promise).

So many amazingly accomplished women are in the same position, wondering if this is really what they signed up for. Good news, though: you don't have to choose between professional success, being there for your family, doing things you love and actually having a life. Taking care of yourself and prioritizing your needs isn't selfish - it’s essential for your long-term success and happiness.

You've already proven what you can achieve. It's time to redefine success on your terms. What if you woke up excited for the day instead of drained? What if you had crystal-clear priorities and could say "no" without the guilt, fear or worry? Imagine rediscovering your spark, both at home and at work, and showing up as the boss, mom, and all-around extraordinary human you know you can be. Yes, I said extraordinary.

Your time to claim it is now.

Introducing the

Time to Rise Mastermind for High-Achieving Women

This 16-week transformative journey is specifically designed for high-achieving women like you who are ready to:

  • Redefine success on your own terms, and start living & working in alignment with your definition

  • Prioritize self-care that's beyond surface level temporary pleasures

  • Ditch limiting beliefs, break negative thought patterns & habits that are hindering your progress

  • Master your energy, not just your time (yes, we're talking ruthless prioritization and boundary setting)

  • Learn and grow in a tight-knit circle of strong, accomplished women

Through our proven 7-step process, you'll transform your approach to both your personal and professional life.

Meet Yourself Where You're At: Gain Profound Self-Awareness

Build a strong foundation of self-awareness and reflection to understand current challenges through a series of assessments and exercises, and set the stage for transformation.

Identify and Unlearn Limiting Beliefs: Break free from what's keeping you stuck and holding you back

Discover how to recognize and challenge these limiting beliefs and thought patterns that are impacting you. Swap those limiting beliefs for a mindset that actually serves you so can be a more empowered version of yourself.

Clarify Your Vision: Create a clear personalized roadmap for your ideal future based on your definition of success

Uncover what success and fulfillment actually look like for you - not anyone else. You’ll create a clear vision for your future, aligning goals with your core values, strengths, and purpose, and anticipate potential challenges and obstacles that might get in your way.

Learn to Receive: Build support systems, communicate and delegate effectively

Overcome mental blocks related to control and delegation to communicate your needs effectively, delegate like a pro, and actually receive support without guilt. Seek and utilize support systems effectively to achieve your personal and professional goals.

Optimize Your Energy & Your Time: Master the art of setting clear priorities & boundaries

Learn to manage your energy, not just your time. Set and align your decisions and actions to clear priorities and become a master boundary setter and enforcer.

Honor Your Own Wellbeing: Build a Sustainable Self-Care Practice

Integrate holistic well-being practices into your daily life and prioritize self-care and stress management. Develop sustainable habits, a self-care plan and access tools so you can stay energized and adaptable, even when life gets hectic.

Commit to Stepping Into Your Future Self: Sustaining Transformation and Growth

Reflect on your progress in the program with reflection and reassessment, create a continuous growth plan, and set yourself up to ensure accountability and lasting change.

I know, it's been hard

You've busted your behind to get where you are. Then motherhood hit, and everything shifted. Your identity got a major shake-up. You're still ambitious as hell, but now there's a whole circus of demands on your time and energy that weren't there before. You're juggling being a high-performing professional and a present, calm mom, all while trying to figure out what actually makes you happy. It's a tall order.

I get it. I've been in your shoes. From big law to in-house to HR to running my own business - oh, and having three kids along the way. It's been a non-linear journey of constant self-reflection, asking myself: What really matters now? and realizing that what worked before just didn't cut it anymore.

Let's Be Real

Let's be real - you've busted your behind to get where you are. Then motherhood hit, and bam! Everything shifted. Your professional identity? It got a major shake-up. You're still ambitious as hell, but now there's a whole circus of demands on your time and energy that weren't there before. And let's not even start on how your idea of "success" has done a 180. Now you're juggling being a kickass professional and an awesome mom, all while trying to figure out what actually makes you happy. Talk about a tall order!

Trust me, I get it. I've been there, done that, got the t-shirt. From big law to in-house to HR to running my own gig - oh, and popping out three kids along the way. It's been a wild ride of constant self-reflection, asking myself "What really matters now?" and realizing that what worked before just doesn't cut it anymore.

I've lived that daily scramble, feeling like I'm always ten steps behind and never quite satisfied. I've been in the trenches of burnout - the deep, dark kind where I wasn't sure I'd make it. I thought I had no time to take care of myself. I was that person who helped everyone else with their oxygen mask while slowly suffocating. Spoiler alert: it didn't end well.

But here's the good news: you're not going to burnout like I did. Why? Because I'm going to teach you all the strategies that I used to get back to THRIVING and those I've taught other clients who are far less stressed, overwhelmed and exhausted and more fulfilled, happier and intentional about how they spend their time.

We're talking real, lasting change here. I'm not going to let you stay stuck in that overwhelmed, stressed-out limbo. And neither will the amazing group of women who'll be right there with you on this journey.

In this mastermind, you will:

Reclaim your time and your life by anchoring yourself in your own unique definition of success, leaving behind outdated scripts and expectations, and start living in alignment with your own definition and vision.

Free yourself from limiting beliefs and old thinking patterns to transform your fears, worries, and guilt into an empowering mindset for managing your energy, prioritizing what matters most (including YOU!), and, setting & enforcing boundaries.

Join a tight circle of ambitious, like-minded women, drawing strength and inspiration from shared experiences and collective wisdom. Iron sharpens Iron. You’ll never feel alone on this journey. 

In this mastermind, you will:

Reclaim your time and your life by anchoring yourself in your own unique definition of success, leaving behind outdated scripts and expectations, and start living in alignment with your own definition and vision.

Free yourself from limiting beliefs and old thinking patterns to transform your fears, worries, and guilt into an empowering mindset for managing your energy, prioritizing what matters most (including YOU!), and, setting & enforcing boundaries.

Join a tight circle of ambitious, like-minded women, drawing strength and inspiration from shared experiences and collective wisdom. Iron sharpens Iron. You’ll never feel alone on this journey. 


Imagine waking up and not immediately thinking Ugh, here we go again (or worse). Instead, you're feeling real good and ready for the day. You aren't in a reactive rush. You're not immediately reaching for your phone like it's a lifeline, and that constant itch to check emails and notifications is a thing of the past.

Remember all that career confusion? Gone. You've made your decision, and it feels right. Your mind? It's actually more at peace than it's been in a long time.

You're saying "no" like a true leader, and it feels so good to honor yourself in that way. You're less scared and worried of what others will think or say if you're not immediately responsive to an email in the early morning or late evening.


Picture this: Your life, transformed.

Imagine waking up and actually feeling rested and ready to start your day. No more "Ugh, here we go again" vibes. Instead, you're intentional and ready to tackle the day. You start your morning with intention and without being in a reactive rush. And the best part? You're not immediately reaching for your phone like it's a lifeline. You're putting yourself first, starting your day on your own terms. That constant itch to check emails and notifications? It's a thing of the past. This isn't just a good day - it's your new everyday reality.

Remember all that career confusion? Gone. You've made your decision, and it feels right. Your mind? It's actually at peace for once.

Here's the kicker: you're saying "no" like a boss, and it feels amazing. You're resting when you need to and crushing it when the situation calls for it. It's like you're finally on your way to cracking the code on this whole work-life thing.

Your to-do list? It's still there, but now it actually matches up with your highest priorities.

You're focused and intentional. And self-care? It's not just something you scroll past on Instagram anymore. It's your everyday reality.

You've stopped thinking about change and you’ve started to make it happen. You're more confident with your decisions and how you make them because you trust yourself more. How you’re living and working is more aligned with what matters most, and who you say you want to become.
Joy, fulfillment, feeling truly alive - that's your new energy.

This is possible for you. You can try to figure out how to get there on your own, or you can apply to join the Time to Rise Mastermind and learn from someone who's done it and taught others how to do it too.

Your to-do list? It's still there, but now it actually matches up with what really matters to you. And get this - even on your busiest days, you're finding moments to be grateful. Wild, right?

Say goodbye to that frazzled, overwhelmed you. You're all about focus and purpose now. And self-care? It's not just something you scroll past on Instagram anymore. It's your everyday reality..

You've stopped daydreaming about change and you’ve started to make it happen. Confidence? It's radiating off you like a superpower, because you trust yourself. You know how you’re living is aligned with everything you feel and all you are inside.  Joy, fulfillment, feeling truly alive - that's your new energy.

This isn't some far-off fantasy. This could be your life. The Your Time to Rise Mastermind is your ticket to making it happen.

Look, you've worked your tail off to get where you are. You deserve more than feeling drained and unfulfilled. 

So don't just sit there thinking about it. Take the leap.

What's Included:

Timeframe: October 8, 2024 to February 8, 2025

Group Size: 10 Maximum to accelerate progress to goals, enable deep connections and foster community in each group.

16 Weekly Group Coaching Calls

  • Lessons are primarily delivered live in session. We tackle each part of the process one week at a time. 

  • Direct support from me as your coach and from your peers

  • Calls are an hour and 15 minutes every Tuesday from 11:00am-12:15pm ET.

  • Some group coaching calls will have pre-work limited to 30 minutes.

Exclusive Access to the Rise Mastermind Online Platform

  • A proprietary learning hub provides your step-by-step roadmap for the program, all group coaching call replays, and pre-work for certain sessions.

  • All bonus training and resources.

Two 30-Minute Private Coaching Sessions: Want to go deeper? Personalized sessions are designed to accelerate your growth.

Bonuses For You:

  • A signed copy of Arivee's upcoming book Your Time to Rise: Unlearn Limiting Beliefs, Unlock Your Power, and Unleash Your Truest Self (Greenleaf Publishing, January 14, 2025) 

  • A special gift package specifically curated for you by Arivee

$4300 Paid in Full

Will payments make it easier? We have 2 and 4 pay options.

What Clients Say About Working with Arivee

My sessions with Arivee helped me realize my optimal career path. Arivee's coaching approach was compassionate, impartial, and committed to achieving tangible goals. I realized that what I sought was not external but within myself. I could only uncover it through her approach of guiding me in dedicated introspection and challenging me with her questions. As an attorney, I was often constrained by conventional protocols. However, after my coaching sessions with Arivee, I felt inspired to challenge and reevaluate those norms in my professional and personal life. I have now integrated my professional and personal aspirations, leading me to a more fulfilling path forward. - D.H.

Coaching with Arivee opened my eyes to all possibilities— and made me see ALL possibilities as within reach. I was clearly the strong bridge to the possibilities of my wildest dreams. Arivee has a gift for asking very targeted questions that allow you to see the facts (and truths) of your accomplishments, strengths, and what you perceive to be roadblocks— so that those roadblocks can clear away to get you ready for taking off to those wildest dreams. - M.S.

Battling against mental fog (maintaining clarity) brought me to Arivee. My intuitive instincts seemed to be at odds with the culture and examples of success at my first job. The people pleaser in me wanted to oblige and do everything necessary to succeed, but this, I came to realize through our conversations, was inherently at odds with my deeply entrenched desire to live life freely and set necessary boundaries. Arivee is more than just a brilliant sounding board and dynamic personality, her thoughtful coaching approach makes me instantly comfortable.

I am most thankful for her introducing me to gratitude practice. It has dramatically shifted my mood and allows me to remain steadily grounded during 2020's turbulent times and beyond. - M.C.

When I sought out Arivee, I was struggling to balance all of my goals and interests. I was overwhelmed and not accomplishing anything because I lacked clarity and focus. I kept thinking myself in circles. Arivee not only helped me to see the truth I had deep down inside me, but helped me write my own permission slip. Working with Arivee helped me realize that I was letting fears hold me back and wasn’t standing in my truth. The clarity she helped me achieve allowed me to feel excited about and confident in moving forward with creating the life I have been dreaming for myself. - Ali C.

I’ve thrived and am proud to say I have maintained my boundaries and continued to strengthen them. Notably, I am much more comfortable saying no and keeping my peace as I silently maintain the boundaries I have set for myself. Thank you again for the impact you made on my professional and personal life. - H.H.


Start your journey with the Time to Rise Mastermind. 

Still not sure if the Mastermind is for you?  Schedule a call with Arivee

About Your Coach: Arivee Vargas

Arivee is a certified executive coach and the Founder and CEO of Humble Rising LLC, which empowers high-achieving women to feel less overwhelmed and stuck and have more joy, fulfillment, purpose and personal alignment. Influence Digest has named Arivee a top coach in Boston for the past three years in a row. She is a sought-after speaker and thought leader on topics of women’s empowerment, self-care and wellbeing, how to prevent burnout, work-life harmony, career development and navigating the intersection of multiple identities as a first-generation Latina, mother, leader and lawyer.

Arivee hosts the Humble Rising Podcast, which shares inspirational stories of primarily women of color and actionable strategies on how to have sustainable success and fulfillment in life.

With over 15 years of experience as a lawyer in corporate and law firm environments, as well as leading senior leadership development initiatives at a fast-growing biotech, Arivee’s coaching specializes in helping high-achieving, first-generation and women of color lawyers and leaders navigate personal inflection points, enabling them to move forward in their careers and lives with greater intention and purpose. She’s on a mission to empower them to live a life that’s true and authentic to them, where joy, fulfillment, purpose and aliveness reign supreme. 

Arivee is also the author of Your Time to Rise: Unlearn Limiting Beliefs, Unlock Your Power, andUnleash Your Truest Self (available on January 14, 2025).

You may have seen Arivee’s work featured in Oprah Daily, Forbes, Success Magazine, Authority Magazine, The Boston Business Journal, Fierce by Mitu, Hispanic Executive Magazine, The Mother Chapter, Thrive Global, BizWomen and more. 

About Your Coach: Arivee Vargas

Arivee is a certified executive coach and the Founder and CEO of Humble Rising LLC,which empowers high-achieving women leaders and lawyers to feel less overwhelmed and stuck and have more joy, fulfillment, purpose and personal alignment. Influence Digest has named Arivee a top coach in Boston for the past three years in a row. She is a sought-after speaker and thought leader on topics of women’s empowerment, self-care and wellbeing, how to prevent burnout, work-life harmony, career development and navigating the intersection of multiple identities as a first-generation Latina, mother, leader and lawyer.

Arivee hosts the Humble Rising Podcast, which shares inspirational stories of primarily women of color and actionable strategies on how to have sustainable success and fulfillment in life.

With over 15 years of experience as a lawyer in corporate and law firm environments, as well as leading senior leadership development initiatives at a fast-growing biotech, Arivee’s coaching specializes in helping high-achieving, first-generation and women of color lawyers and leaders navigate personal inflection points, enabling them to move forward in their careers and lives with greater intention and purpose. She’s on a mission to empower them to live a life that’s true and authentic to them, where joy, fulfillment, purpose and aliveness reign supreme. 

Arivee is also the author of Your Time to Rise: Unlearn Limiting Beliefs, Unlock Your Power, and Unleash Your Truest Self (available on January 14, 2025).

You may have seen Arivee’s work featured in Oprah Daily, Forbes, Success Magazine, Authority Magazine, The Boston Business Journal, Fierce by Mitu, Hispanic Executive Magazine, The Mother Chapter, Thrive Global, BizWomen and more. 

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